
My guest author Kristal McKerrington stopped by to talk about her book



Its my pleasure to stop by and share my Non-Fiction Reborn To You. Its the tale of my life written like a conversation with me. Joe E Legend did an amazing job on putting together my life story in a fun, fast pace way with great stories that come to my mind as we go. Never before heard stories also. Life growing up for me was all over the place, but I found writing and the strength to be myself. I hope by sharing my story with you, will inspire all of you with those moments in your life when you feel low.


So the time has come for me to stop and tell the Slit character story. We are hitting the pause button. I'm about six or seven at the time now. This is a story which is very close to my heart. It made me, I guess you could say, stronger. I found my footing through this event and part of me knows I made the others find their way through my actions. This story will also share how I broke out of this character and went on to form my most famous dance character of all.

A whole chapter to some people might seem a bit much, though if you know me I can talk about nothing for some time and not notice. An art form that most people don't have down, but I've realized over the last year me and one other friend can do it to perfection.

Slit has a lot to do with what I became and how the feuds started. Jay, Kayla and Alex got into these feuds because of the way the way Jay along with Kayla treated people.

There is no hell like the one that is handed to you. For me this couldn't be truer and my own hell was started by the one person whom I never expected.

My character and the person I became started with Kayla when she started to make us develop our own characters. She didn't show us how to do it. Rather she forced stupid ones on us and hoped we were going to be embarrassed enough by the characters that we would come up with another one. A better way of doing what she needed us to do and show her how 'smart' we were.

We weren't smart enough to work out what she did though.

Slit came from the fact I looked like a letterbox. No real curves to me and the stick thin look which most men hate. I still get sideways look from both men and women. I don't care. Most of them have no idea what it means to be this small and have to buy your clothes from the ‘starved’ women’s section, where I endure the conversations of how to throw up ones food or worse.

Yes, I'm not actually one of those girls. I say, eating my Pringles, chocolate and gulping down my fourth coffee of the day.

Robert, Derek and I arrived early for training. They were complaining about something which happened the night before and I failed to listen to the whole conversation. I made a point of ignoring them as I'm tried to work out a wrestlers name and Derek made fun of me.

He made a note of how I never pay attention to what they said and on this day, I made the stupid mistake of not heeding their warning.

One I lived to regret.

Kayla prepared me to be the villain she needed and at the time, my big heart used to be on show to everyone. I tried to be the honest and nice girl I thought boys wanted. I just wanted to be kissed. I wanted a boy to ask me out and worse, I wanted to just be noticed.

I was seven and I feared I wasn't ever going to be. Up to this point most of the training meant just doing some footwork and trying to not hurt myself. That day things went to a higher level and we were so unaware of what she'd planned. I still hold this against Mike.

He knew and the bugger decided we didn't need to be in on Kayla's new plan of torment. She looked to find her first storyline also; none of us knew her plan involved me, Robert, Derek and Jay. Her plan, she already found the tools to make me a villain and Jay showed how good he was at it too. He hated how he never got to dance with me, because bad guys never danced together. Not really.

Well if he could catch anything, he might have learned to dance with me. Jay is terrible at catching people who dived off things. He couldn't really do dance lifts either. His talents lay in his microphone work and sometimes his break dancing. He always wanted to be the dancer who threw the women in the air.

Derek and I now laid into Robert verbally over his now bright red face. Derek made Robert blush and I wanted to know how. You see, Robert, I held a soft spot for, because he always made me feel like the only girl in the room. Guess what, I didn't.

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By Kat

My true writing career began thirty some years ago while going through a valley, alone. I’ve come to believe that we all have a purpose in life, our path to walk.

Now that my middle son Chad Engstrom died on October 14, 2014, the rest of my life is not lived for myself, but to leave his legacy, not only because he was my son, but because of his beautiful soul.

May God guide me…. For our earthly selves are far from perfect, but may we be perfect in His love.

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